Psy 468: Advanced Psychopathology: Class Log

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11-17-14: review cases

discuss cases from Casebook

hand out: Good Sleep; case set 29; Miklowitz & Johnson (2014)

11-12-14: sleep and Sexual Dysfunctions

handout: case set 26

for Mon & Wed: pick out case you would like to discuss/have questions about in casebook

11-10-14: somatoform

handout: case set 25

11-5-14: psychopathy

handout: case set 28; LEC-5 (three versions); Millon & Everly table 2.3 & 2.4

show & tell: Cleckley (1982); Baron-Cohen (2011); Thomas (2013)

11-3-14: third group presentation


discuss cases: OCD


handouts: case set


Kelsey: discuss Miller et al., ch 2


handout: The Breakfast Club; Nezu, Nezu, Lombardo (2004) ch 12

discuss cases

Midterm: next Wednesday 10-17-14

Group 2, week from Monday (10-22-14), followed on succeeding Mondays by groups

2, 3, 4

10-6-14: borderline personality disorder

handout: Cheers V

DSM video segment 1-5

handout: case set #20; R. Winfried (2014)


Alex leads discussion of bipolar ch

discuss cases

handout: Cheers IV; BAI; Goodman OCD questionnaire: PTSD screen


Melanie leads discussion of schizophrenia ch

handout: Cheers III; Javitt (2014) Glutiamate and Schizophrenia

J. John Mann, M.D. "Suicide Prevention: Detecting high risk patients"

9-24-14: practice: suicide inquiry

review cases

handouts: Cheers II; BDI; BDI-PC (short form); CES-D-R


show & tell: Gottesman (1991)

9-22-14: regrouping

handout: Cheers I; Miller, Rathus, & Linehan ch 1 (2007)

discuss cases

9-17-14: ill, class cancelled

9-15-14: 8th class: rambling on about bipolar disorder and panic attacks

handout set #12

DSM video segment 1-3 Mel & 1-4 Marcella

9-10-14: 7th class neurobehavioral disorders

substance abuse disorders

Sarah leads discussion of alcohol and drug ch's

discussion of cases

handout set#9

9-7-14: 6th class: neurobehavioral disorders

Kristianna leads discussion of Goldstein (2014)

DSM video segment 1-2: Joan

handouts: set #8; AUDIT; Sensible Drinking (2005); MAST

substance use disorders

9-2-14: 5th class: does your instructor know you name?

"Clinical Profiles in Alzheimer's Disease"

practice: MMSE

neurobehavioral disorders

handout: set #7; Wagner, Hospital, Sobell, & Sobell (2014)

show & tell: Arciniegas & Beresford (2001)

8-27-14: 4th class: does your instructor know your name?

criterion A:

deficits social-emotional reciprocity
deficits in nonverbal communication
deficits in relationships

criterion B: (2 of 4)

stereotyped or repetitive motor movements
insistence on sameness
restricted/fixated interrests
hyper- or hypoactivity to sensory input (new)

symptoms must be pressent "in the early developmental period"

question to consider: Has the prevalence of Autistic Disorder (DSM-IV) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM 5) actually increased over the past five decades?

Asperger's Disoder (DSM-IV) = Autism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, Without Intellectual or Language Impairment


"Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 2, with mild intellectual disability and language impairment, onset agae 20 months, loss of previously acquired language" (Georgeanna Gibson, MAE, LPCC, 2013)

"Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 1, associated with ADHD, without intellectual disability and without language impairment" (ibid.)

"Austism Spectrum Disorder, Level 2, associated with Cerebral Palsy, mild intellectual disability and stuttering" (ibid.)

CL leads discussion of LD articles

handout: set #4

8-25-14: 3rd class, -- using DSM


DSM-IV Videotaped Clinical Vignettes, Vol 1, segment 1-1 Mike

notes case set 1

review set 2

handouts: set #3; ICD 10 update; Vanderbilt teacher, parent; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; Volkmar PDD; CHAT; CGAS; M-CHAT; ASRS-v1.1

8-20-14: 2nd class, abnormality


review first case set

Molly leads discussion of Li, Jenkins, & Sundsmo, 2012

discussion leader next Wednesday:

handouts: case set#2; LD articles (8-27-1)

show & tell: Nell, V. (2000). Cross-Cultural Neuropsychological Assessment: Theory and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates.

read: Neurodevelomental Disorders ch. in DSM and in casebook

8-18-14: 1st class--goals, structure, beginnings, abnormality

handouts: syllabus; case set#1; ch. 4: Impact of race and ethnicity (Li, Jenkins, & Sundsmo, 2012)

assignments: teach me your name - participation

read DSM 5, section 1 (pp 1-30)

diagnosis cases in set #1 for Wednesday


discussion leader for Wednesday: Molly